25. Februar 2016
The European Union has demonstrated a tremendous success story of unification and implementation of a joint currency for 330 million people. Nevertheless, in the last years, the European project has shown the need for a consistent, longer-term strategy, a vision that again sparks enthusiasm and support for this project.
For the last four years WWWforEurope, has worked on such a strategic approach in close communication with policy makers, the research community and stakeholders. The results of this research work and the policy conclusions are to be presented and discussed at the Final Conference of the WWWforEurope project, taking place in Brussels, on February 25th, 2016.
The Final Conference will provide an opportunity to present and discuss key results of the WWWforEurope project particularly on the topics of
- how to combine environmental concerns with dynamics and innovation,
- the social investment perspective,
- governance reforms
- the regional dimension and the historical perspective of socio-ecological transition
Confirmed contributors not involved in the project include among others Anton Hemerijck (VU University Amsterdam), Adam Posen (Peterson Institute for International Economics), Peter Victor (York University) and Guntram Wolff (Breugel).
Attached please find an invitation to this event including a detailed programme.
Please note that even though the conference is public registration is mandatory. It would be appreciated if you could confirm your participation until January 31st, 2016 by sending an e-mail to wwwforeurope-events@wifo.ac.at.