28. Mai 2015
Afternoon program:
13.00 Opening
13.30 Parallel Sessions with speakers
Session 1
Panel discussion on the occasion of the International Year of Soils (german)
With Sarah Wiener, Andreas Höritzauer (Head of Demeter Austria, Wegwartehof), Dr. Wolfgang Pirklhuber (Agricultural speaker Green Party) and Prof. Dr. Martin Gerzabek (Rector of BOKU). Moderation: Hildegard Aichberger (Sustainability Officer ORF)
Session 2
Panel discussion – Climate Justice and divestment
With Dr. Robert Bullard (Sociologist, TSU), Leonore Gewessler (CEO FOE Austria), Dr. Reinhard Kreissl (CEO VICESSE),
Dr. Andreas Novy (CEO Green Academy and WU Vienna). Moderation: Georg Günsberg (blogger and consultant)
Session 3
Panel discussion – Cities of the future (german)
With Dr. Harald Frey (City planner Technical University Vienna ), Maria Vasilakou (Vice-Mayor of Vienna), Dr. Harald Gründl (CEO IDRV), Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör (CEO Vienna Business Agency tbc). Moderation: Thomas Weber (Publisher Biorama)
15.00 Break
15.30 Neongreen (ad)ventures
17.00 BreakEvening program:
16.30 VIP*-Reception
17.30 Talks
20.30 Buffet and networking
* Very Interested Person