9.9.2014, Wien/ Öffentliche Erörterung von Empfehlungen zu prioritären Gestaltungszielen bei der Umsetzung des 7. Umweltaktionsprogramms der Europäischen Union
Wann: am 9. September 2014, 18:30 – 20:30 Uhr
Wo: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 1020 Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude LC, Clubraum
Im Anschluss laden die VeranstalterInnen zu einem Buffet ein.
Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.
Es wird ersucht sich hier bis 2.9. 2014 anzumelden und die elektronische Teilnahmebestätigung zur Veranstaltung mitzubringen!
Das Programm zur Veranstaltung:
The 7th Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) is the key policy document framing the environmental policy agenda of EU institutions and Member States:
Entitled „Living well, within the limits of our planet“, the 7th EAP will be guiding action up to and beyond 2020 to contribute to an innovative, circular, low carbon economy and enhanced societal resilience, and the adjoining transitions in the way we produce, consume and live.
Over the past months, the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) and other European Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation Agencies have been co-operating to jointly deliver recommendations to the new European Commission and the European Parliament on the key objectives of the 7th EAP.
To discuss and advance the current draft of these recommendations, Umweltbundesamt, BMLFUW and WU´s Competence Center for Sustainability, are jointly inviting for a public debate and scientific advice from the Austrian stakeholder community and members of the Balaton Group, a global network of researchers focussing on systems thinking in adressing sustainable development policies and action.
The Draft Recommendations will be presented by Karl Kienzl, Deputy Managing Director, Umweltbundesamt
Speakers invited to comment on these recommendations from an Austrian, European and global perspective and background include
• Armon Rezai, Vienna University of Economics and Business
• Helga Kromp-Kolb, Vienna Univ. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
• Stephanie Weis-Gerhard, former Major of the City of Aachen and Manager
of the „Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys“
• Junko Edahiro, Chief Executive, Japan for Sustainability (JFS)
• Dennis Meadows, Emeritus Professor of Systems Policy and Social Science
Research, University of New Hampshire
Interventions will be followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler, Management Board Chairwoman, European Environment Agency